Sunday, 23 November 2008

Please dont let your kids do this?

A short clip which shows one reason why kids should be kept off track!

Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Prison release!

Gary Glitter got his release date from jail?

Lin Long, aged 9 years old!

Whats WHITE?

Whats white and clings to the side of a toilet bowl in a public lavatory?

George Michael's latest release!


What did the Jewish Pervert say to the little girl?

"You're not going to eat all of them sweet's, are you?

Life's a funny thing!

Life is a funny thing! The decision's that a person takes in their lives, can come back to bite them at a later date and have potentially very dire repercussion's for them.

Sunday, 31 August 2008

Three blokes in PUB!

Three bloke's in a pub, a Pole, a Paki and a Brit.

The Pole drinks his pint down and throws his empty glass up into the air. He then pulls out a pistol and shoots the glass to pieces. He turns to his two drinking buddies and says that "In Poland glasses are so cheap, that we never need to drink out of the same one twice!"

The Paki drinks his pint down and throws his glass up into the air. He then pulls out an AK47 and blasts the glass to pieces. He turns to his two drinking buddies and says that "In Pakistan we have so much sand to make gasses with, that we never need drink out of the same one twice!"

The Brit, not to be outdone, drinks his pint down and throws his glass up into the air. He pulls a pump action shotgun out and shoots both the Pole and the Paki stonecold dead! He then turns to the bartender and says "In England we have that many Pole's and Paki's, that you never need drink with the same two twice!"

Tuesday, 5 August 2008

Red Dwart "The End"

Red Dwarf, the first episode.

Monday, 4 August 2008

Four Candles?

A Classic sketch from the Two Ronnies!

Rab C Nesbit "Work" Part 1 of 3

Rab C Nesbit, "Work", Series 1, Episode 1

Rab C Nesbit "Work" Part 2 of 3

Rab C Nesbit, "Work", Series 1, Episode 1

Rab C Nesbit "Work" Part 3 of 3

Rab C Nesbit, "Work", Series 1, Episode 1

Norwegian Blue anyone?

Classic Monty Python

Great get away on foot after a bank robbery!

A short video showing how a bank robber gets clean away following a bank robbery, but his happiness over his success is short lived.

Thursday, 31 July 2008

Blue Ice and the things it can contain!

A short film on the hazards of Blue Ice, both funny and serious in it's portrail of the hazards posed by it.

Toilet Sex?

A funny little video about a toilet sign?

Thursday, 24 July 2008

Ram Raider's? certainly not good one's!

Idiot ram raider's, certainly no good one's by a long chalk! Any self respecting professional ram raider would omit to park the vehicle on top of the ATM and immobilise it into the bargain. Picking a transit type van that's rear wheel drive wasn't the brightest idea, this is why 4x4 are the preferred tool of the trade.

Wednesday, 23 July 2008

Peugeot 107

A short clip of the little Peugeot 107 up agaianst the Monster truck Bigfoot.

More idiots playing chicken with trains!

Another short clip this time in this country, showing more idiots trying to look cool to their mates by playing chicken with trains.

Idiots playing chicken with trains!

A short clip showing a idiot who thinks it's great to play chicken with a train. He comes extremely close to getting hit, probably thinks it's a great crack, doesn't think of the cardiac he nearly gave the poor old train driver.

Italian woman trying to park her car! compared to the oriental method.

A short clip showing an italian woman trying to park her car, then an even shorter one showing the martial arts method of parking.

Tuesday, 22 July 2008

The fun you can have with a spare steering wheel?

A short clip showing what fun you can have with a spare steering wheel!

Rage in the Carpark.

Two women experience a bout of carpark rage!

Carpark Barrier Problems?

A short clip which just goes to prove that some women can't judge distances or angles whatsoever!, or do two things at once! (multi-tasking!)

Lost Love

A good little Bridgestone tyres commercial.

Saturday, 19 July 2008

Parking Problems?

Parking within the boxes, can at times be a tad difficult for some. But this is really taking the PISS!

Thursday, 10 July 2008

The trainspotter

Did you hear the one about the train spotter who got run over by a bloody great big steam locomotive?

He was "chuffed" to bits!

Bank Robbery Irish Style

A funny little sketch showing what happens during an Irish Bank Robbery.

Tuesday, 8 July 2008

A slick bit of parking

Parking off to a fine art.

Parking video

How good parking techniques can pay off.

Monday, 7 July 2008

Mayhem with a tank.

An M-60 main battle tank in the hands of an idiot.

A German Film on Accident Prevention in the Workplace

While some may not understand any of what is being said, the film say's it all, while it's certainl funny in places the message is a very serious one.

Idiots at a busy cross roads!

We think we have all the idiots in the world on our roads, this video from Russia of one busy cross road in the city of St Petersburg would suggest that we have not cornered that accolade.

Keep the crossing clear.

The perils of not taking notice of the warning lights on level crossings.

Sunday, 6 July 2008

Speed isnt everything.

Speed Isn't Everythig?
Say's it all!

Wednesday, 5 March 2008

Birds changing a light bulb?

How many birds does it take change a lightbulb? A toughie that one, lets see.

One bird to run around the place waving her arms in the air and frantically screaming
"What do I do? What do I do? What do I do?

And a second bird to shag the electrician!

Answer = 2

Saturday, 9 February 2008

Heavenly Jape!

God returns to Heaven from his Summer holidays, he finds the place in an absolute shambles. The Pearly Gates are gone, house's of ill repute, dog and horse racing tracks, casino's, and porn studio's are being built all over Heaven. Demon's are buggering his Angel's left, right, and centre, and untold numbers of saved Soul's are being tempt into sinning again.

Satan has taken up residence in Heaven, and God finds him playing a high stakes poker game with the Arch Angel Gabriel, Gabriel is losing big time but beleives his luck will change. God walks up to them and say's to Satan "Whats the crack then? Why are you here? And what the hell is happening here?"

Satan turns to address God, whilst doing so a mortgage document appears out of nowhere. Satan say's "It like this Old Boy! Heavenly repossesion due to non-payment of Heavenly mortgage. Its a foreclosure, Old Boy!"

God grabs the document and gets a firm hold of Satan by the throat saying "You can shove this where the sun never shines, also you can put Heaven back the way it was prior to your arrival. If you dont! I promise you that there will be hell to pay, get my drift? When I'm satisfied that you have done that, you can fuck off back to hell, where you came from!"

In due course, Heaven is returned to its peaceful normality. No trace is visible anywhere of what has happened, a few less saved Souls, a few sore Angel's. The Pearly Gates are back in place, and as God watches Satan walk sheepishly out of them he has a sudden thought.

God shout's after Satan "Hang on a moment, you can take that TWAT Beadle with you too. I'll give him YOU BETTER WATCH OUT! BEADLE'S ABOUT!"